Well, we just decided to venture out for the fun of it. Marie "rang" my cell phone once at 10 minutes to 4. "You still wanna go?" she whispered. We hadn't gotten to bed before 11 and the baby was up at least twice.
"I don't think so," I answered, and continued to have a hushed conversation for about 5 minutes. "Have fun," I said and hung up.
Screw that - if I don't fall back to sleep in ten minutes, I'm going....I think my mind was already made up. I nudged my husband, "Hey..I'm going."
"mhmmm," he mumbled.
"I'll be back by 8."
I actually managed to brush my teeth, slip on my Nike's, and scoot out the door into the brisk, silvery night without waking a single soul (including the yellow-belly beast).
Marie showed up at Kohls with coffee and donuts for both of us. Kohls was packed. I have to admit, shopping at 4am, doesn't necessarily sound that desirable, but there was something about the day after thanksgiving that sparks excitement for me. I absolutely love Christmas. Most especially because of the kids and now that Massimo is almost 1, its even more exciting.
We had a few things in mind that we wanted to get - but no pressure - we took our time and cruised Kohl's for about an hour.
Then, off to Circuit City and Old Navy at 5:45. There were lines outside, people had been waiting since 6pm on Thanksgiving to get in. Old Navy was giving away free MP3 players with a purchase of $20 or more. I heard someone say they ran out in less than 10 minutes. So, you wait in line for an MP3?? It not even an Ipod. This did not make the least bit o' sense to me.
After waiting in line for almost 40 minutes to purchase a highly coveted item for DJ, my legs started to go weak, my blood sugar was low, I was daydreaming about a soy latte. Marie had Bon Jovi and Ozzy playing on her phone to liven the mood.
After we got to the front of the line she complimented the tall, lanky, young man who had put up with all the crap of the people who were waiting in the "camera-only" line and refused to leave it. He did have a lot of patience. One good samaritan, came up and asked him if he needed some food.
"No, thanks," he answered, "I have a lunch break at 12." It was 7:30!!! No wonder he was so skinny!
There is your Christmas spirit right there. Help others, serve others. Marie thought maybe it was his mom. Maybe - but I like to think that people like that still exist. I would like to try and be like that lady. If I was Terrence, I would have been like, "a venti soy latte and a lowfat blueberry muffin, please..and make it snappy, love!!"
We didn't participate in Black Friday to get super deals or trample our way over people trying to get that perfect toy, or wait in line in the cold. We just went for the curiosity, to get in the holiday mood, and just to have some good old-fashioned fun doing something we love - SHOPPING. Would I do it again??? Absolutely - you bet I would.
enjoy the Steely Dan video....I was singing the song all day long in a withering daze of very little sleep. Am I the only one who thinks Don Fagen is sexy in those sunglasses???
Absolutely, i would do it again.
With a couple of Red Bulls, from the night before and couple cups of coffee- who can sleep anyway. it was good start to the holiday season. it was fun- just to be caught up in the excitement and not having the pressure to buy, buy,buy. if we found something great, if not it was ok too.
Thats what it should be about having fun-
see u next year then...:-)
It sounds like fun, but sleep is so precious to me (not like it's not for you). Maybe next year I'll be up to it. I am NOT a morning person at all. Rick is always making fun of me, and calls me the monster. It is fitting, I am HORRIBLE in the morning!
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