Miracle Baby Princess Fiona

Miracle Baby Princess Fiona
Miracle Baby Princess Fiona

Monday, April 7, 2008


Okay, how many of you have a CD or DVD that skips, especially during your favorite song or part of the show.

For us, its Elmo's World the WILD WILD West DVD given to him for Christmas from my BFF Nicole. He LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES it. It a was made a few years back, however, the part where Travis Tritt, yup, the mullet-sporting country crooner, Travis Tritt sings with Elmo, it starts to skip. So, MY little boy goes up to the DVD player, pushes the button to open it, takes it out and hands it to me, "MehlmoHHH" which means Elmo in 15 month old baby language. Its become so bad that every times he ejects it form the machine, he scratches it a little bit more and a little bit more, until one day, the DVD player announced on the screen that my son's beloved disc was "unreadable". It also said, "check disc". Okay, I'm checking it, giving it a thorough examination here, and yup, its SCRATCHED.

What are solutions to the scratched disc? Do I need a buffing kit??

According to my almost 15 year old step-daughter, flushing the disc down the toilet is the cure. Yes, I admit it sounds gross, but amazingly enough it WORKED.

I did try another remedy given to me by my (age witheld) sister-in-law, handed down from HER sister, and a remedy they swear by and that's good old peanut-butter.

I tried the peanut butter for kicks. I actually used Massimo's soy nut butter because our peanut butter is the extra-crunchy variety and I didn't want to risk more scratches. You know how pesky peanuts can be when you're rubbing them on things other than toast. I massaged a think layer on the back of the disc and rubbed it in in a circular motion. Then, I rinsed and gently pat dry with a paper towel. No such luck.

So, I resorted to the toilet, two flushes, then a rinse with warm soapy water and light dry with again, a paper towel.

"ALA Peanut Butter Sandwiches!!!!" (you old school Sesame Street people know that line) IT WORKED. Maybe it was the warm water, who knows, maybe it wasn't scratched as bad as it might have just been severely smudged. Anyway....his disc is working great now, thanks to the porcelain GOD!

Anyone else have a remedy??????


Dina said...

i have never heard of that! i'll remember it when the tooth paste trick fails

LaLaLaLizzy said...

told you!