Our son finally slept through the night. An accomplishment he has not acheived in several, SEVERAL months. He began sleeping through the night at the ripe old age of 2 months. Everybody told me how lucky I was. We must have made the perfect baby. As the summer months had worn on, however, and he began moving around, crawling, and standing, his waking became more frequent. Getting him to go back to sleep has been a challenge. Yet, its been a challenge I've accepted with heavy eyelids and moderate amounts of caffiene.
I actually slept LESS than usual last night because I kept waking up wondering why HE was still sleeping - peacefully. I kept tiptoeing in to his room to make sure he was okay. I've experienced many different kinds of joy in my life, but my own sleeping in such a state of tranquility, causes my heart to heat up and bubble over.
I repeadedtly told him how proud I was of him this morning, which he continued to answer, "e - i - e - uh" (Old McDonald is the tune of choice). Check back tomorrow, when I tell you that he woke up five or six times tonight.
1 comment:
i hope there are many more
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