Miracle Baby Princess Fiona

Miracle Baby Princess Fiona
Miracle Baby Princess Fiona

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy New Year!

bibulous \BIB-yuh-luhs\, adjective:

1. Of, pertaining to, marked by, or given to the consumption of alcoholic drink.

Best Wishes to Everyone for a Healthy & Happy 2008

I hope you all enjoy a bibulous spirit (unless you are under 21, pregnant, or nursing...what?? - these types of people run in my circle)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jaime Lynn

I think the money SHE IS MAKING OFF HER PREGNANCY should be donated to Teen Pregnancy Prevention. This is so very sad. This is also very sad that this story is so heavy in the media right now and other teenage girls might portray this situation as acceptable. FYI - her story was sold to OK! Magazine for $1 Million.

Friday, December 7, 2007

12 Things I've Learned in 12 Months

As our son's 1st birthday approaches, I ask the question, "where has this year gone?" It seems like only yesterday, my water broke at the Des Plaines Pancake House only to deliver my sweetheart 15 short hours later. For one thing, I can't imagine my life any other way. I've been somewhat house bound, a slave to flannel pj bottoms, soiled sweatshirts, and the infamous sports bras. Its been a year since I left that utterly senseless and awful job I was a slave to, and yet I feel like I am on the clock 24 hours a day. I do not regret one second. However, I am definitely not the same. My newborn has been long gone and before my eyes, a little boy with words, likes, dislikes, affection, and curiosity has emerged. So, being the learner lover I am, I've thought about qualities and abilities I did not have one year ago.

12. I can peel and quarter a grape at lightening speed - - fast enough to satisfy his demand for the sweet, juicy fruit.

11. I can change a crib sheet in record time without cursing, crying, bruising, or scraping my wrists or hands.

10. I can let my house go. If you know me personally, you know my borderline obsessive/compulsive behavior disorder. Cleaning is stress relief for me and it burns calories, but I can force myself to let it go (at least until he is asleep for the night)

9. You can never take enough pictures. If I have 8 pictures of the same pose, I can never decide which ones to delete.

8. I'm actually going to go through childhood again - - and damn it, it might be a little more bearable this time.

7. Boys are wonderful. This statement comes from a mom who always thought she'd give birth to a baby girl first.

6. Things will never go my way all the time. A disastrous welt on his cheek two days before his 1st birthday party is my most recent lesson.

5. The lugubrious cicadas of the world are insignificant. I do not hear their constant noise anymore.

4. Patience is a muscle in the heart that we continue to build - my neighbor wrote me a note with those words I will never forget.

3. Sleep is over-rated. Seriously..who needs it???

2. Life is precious.

1. In the midst of chaos, weariness, selflessness, marriage, kids, a barking dog, bills, home repairs, accidents, and a dedicated & hardworking husband who walks in from the snow in his work boots right after I finish washing the kitchen floor........there is LOVE, at the very CENTER of it all - like a giant, beating heart pumping life succinctly to everything outward. I know how cliche it is to quote the great John Lennon and the Beatles, but I can't help it when I say to myself...

"and in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make."

Happy Birthday Son!

Monday, December 3, 2007

My Answers

1. Favorite Christmas Song RUDOLPH the Red Nosed Reindeer

2. Age you stopped believing in Santa 7

3. Real Tree or Fake Tree? FAKE - the mold count is too high for a real one

4. When do you open the bulk of your presents? Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
I favor Christmas morning, but with so much family, we get a little of both
5. Favorite Christmas movie or special? Peanuts - Charlie Brown Christmas

6. What is your favorite type of Christmas cookie? The peanut butter ones with the Hershey's Kiss in the middle and my aunt's sugar cookies with icing.

7. Do you know the names of all of Santa's reindeers?? (without using Google) and which one would you be if Santa asked you to guide his sleigh??? YES I DO!VIXEN - I bet she has fun!!

8. When is the last time you make a snow angel? a mere few years ago believe it or not.

9. What does your stocking look like? Its different colors of felt with Santa on it

10. If your wished could be granted for 3 things this Christmas, what would they be??
1. War ended and troops home with their loved ones
2. Everyone in my family healthy and happy
3. One wish needs to be a secret...........

What Kind of Christmas Are You?

In the spirit of the holidays and other posts I've read lately, I decided to create my own. 10 simple holiday questions to answer and delight your friends and family....PLEASE POST ON YOUR BLOG, IF YOU DON'T HAVE A BLOG, POST ON MY COMMENTS.

1. Favorite Christmas Song

2. Age you stopped believing in Santa

3. Real Tree or Fake Tree?

4. When do you open the bulk of your presents? Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?

5. Favorite Christmas movie or special?

6. What is your favorite type of Christmas cookie?

7. Do you know the names of all of Santa's reindeers?? (without using Google) and which one would you be if Santa aske dyou to guide his sleigh???

8. When is the last time you make a snow angel?

9. What does your stocking look like?

10. If your wished could be granted for 3 things this Christmas, what would they be??

Saturday, December 1, 2007

I love this album~

Raising Sand by Robert Plant and Alison Krauss

They've been playing the first single, the VERY catchy and blues-y "Gone Gone Gone" on WXRT a lot lately.

Everyone knows Robert Plant (Been a Long Lonely Lonely Lonely Lonely Time -yes it has) and Alison Krauss plays with Union Station. She is more of a folk/rock and bluegrass artist.

They sound great together. Most of the album is more mellow than "Gone Gone Gone". Most of the songs were all written 30 or more years ago.

The album was also produced by the legendary T Bone Burnett who has practically worked with everyone in Nashville and did all the music for film, Walk The Line.

I am not a huge country music fan, but I love the folk elements of the record, which are mostly the storytelling aspect of the music.

You can listen to the whole album if you click on the link.

Check for other reviews in the future.