Miracle Baby Princess Fiona

Miracle Baby Princess Fiona
Miracle Baby Princess Fiona

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Back in the Swing

Its been 6 years - gasp - since I've taken an education course and here I am, taking yet one of many more I'm sure I'll be taking in the future. Since I plan on returning to the classroom in the near future, whether it be substituting, volunteering, tutoring, part-time, or even full-time, its important, no wait, its required for accredited teachers to have their state certificate up to current speed.

Its an online class too, which means all the coursework is done via an instructor sending us materials via e-mail that we read and essentially respond to with a paper. Towards the end of the ten weeks, we will also be having a few video-conferences with the professor. Sounds easy right?? I'm not sure because I've never done this before, but I'm excited at the challenge.

I think I'm going to miss the face-to face with a professor and a classroom full of educators where discussions are probably a lot more engaging, but for the sake of time and my little guy, an online course is a great option.

After this I am required to take a course entitled, "Quantitative Research". Ugh.

Wish me luck!

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