Miracle Baby Princess Fiona

Miracle Baby Princess Fiona
Miracle Baby Princess Fiona

Monday, March 31, 2008

Rainy Day Thoughts

I need more patience

The thought just popped in to my head while the check-out clerk took soooooooooo long just to run my groceries through and ask for my payment.

I can't think of anything better to do on a rainy day than going to the grocery store and then pushing all of our wet, plastic grocery bags out to the truck with a tired and hungry baby in the cart.

No, really m'am, I can bag these myself, really...no, wait, I can't, my son is about to dive head first out of the cart.

On Monday, the excitement of the weekend dies down and even though I don't work outside the home and have to get dressed up to head out to a "job", I still miss Dom and the kids, especially when the kids spend more than 2 days here and we're constantly laughing.

At least I have Ozzy laying next to me, snoring while I post...and should be working.

KEEP THINKING WARM THOUGHTS & ENJOY THE CHEESE BELOW.......now, I feel worse thinking about tender Karen and her untimely death.

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