Miracle Baby Princess Fiona

Miracle Baby Princess Fiona
Miracle Baby Princess Fiona

Monday, October 8, 2007

12 Steps to Aging Younger

Chicago Tribune Magazine published an article on Sunday about tips on how to make a woman's real age younger in as little as 90 days. Michael Roizen, M.D. is the co-founder of RealAge.com and the site is interesting. As women, we are all constantly searching for the fountain of youth. We can't turn back time, but according to Dr. Roizen, we might be able to slow down the clock a bit.

1. An aspirin a day after age 40 (thankfully, I still have 8 years :-)

2. Floss your teeth (my mom - the hygienist - would tell you this anyway)

3. Know your blood pressure (go to Wal-Mart Pharmacy)

4. Reduce Stress (this is a BIG one - make friends and take hot baths)

5. Take your vitamins (Trader Joe's has a nice multi-vitamin for women)

6. Quit smoking and avoid smokers and smoky places (who smokes anyway these days??)

7. Be active (Run or jog, if you can't -- walk. Yoga is wonderful also)

8. Wear your seat belt (Reduce your risk of injury in a car accident)

9. Fill up on fiber (25 Grams in optimum - Oatmeal ROCKS)

10. Monitor your health (Be proactive - schedule those check-ups)

11. LAUGH (movies, tv, your favorite people, books, comics - seek it out!)

12. Become a lifelong learner (take if from a learner-lover - its true!!)


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